
My favorite daily journal questions for clarity and alignment


This quick morning journal will give you the clarity and direction you need to create a more fulfilling and authentic day for yourself. By answering these questions, you will create alignment within yourself and allow you to build a more connected life full of energy, love, and miracles.

  • Today, I want to feel: (List adjectives and emotions i.e. calm, capable, excited, engaged, rested)

  • What are some things I could do today that would support this? 

  • What are 3 things that you would like to do today that are most important to you? (Clarify your priorities and get focused) 




  • If a miracle happened today, what would it be? (Allow your mind to dream BIG. Don't worry about "realistic" it is, or how it would happen. Simply let your mind expand to the possibilities and send that energy out into the universe.) 

  • What could I do today that would push me out of comfort zone and/or challenge me in a expansive way? (The thing that scares us the most is usually the thing we most need to do. Stepping out of your comfort zone on a regular basis is a powerful way to move into expansion)

  • Daily affirmation: (Choose 3 positive words to empower and affirm yourself)

 I am __________________

 I am __________________

 I am __________________


This quick evening journal will help you wind down and get centered so you can end your day on a peaceful and fulfilling note. By answering these questions, you will learn more about yourself, set yourself up for the next day, and expedite your process of growth.

  • I am grateful for (list 5 things): Important: See note below for helpful tips on how to create a helpful gratitude list.






  • What did I learn today? (If there’s something you want to remember, you want to actively retrieve it from your memory for it to stick.)

  • What things/people/situations drained me of energy? What brought me down? (Build awareness around what's sucking the energy from your life, so you can begin to let go of things that are no longer working for you)

  • I am proud of, what can I celebrate? What worked? What can I give myself credit for? List as many things as you want! (It’s very important to celebrate small (and big) wins! This practice helps us build the momentum, mental fortitude and confidence we need to persevere and work smart)

  • One thing I could have done better today. Next time i will..... 

  • Questions to ask my subconscious before I go to sleep: “Never go to sleep without a request from your subconscious”  - Thomas Edison. (You subconscious mind has the amazing ability to problem solve and create beautiful things while you rest. You'll be amazed with what you come up with in your sleep!)

*The following are tips on how to create a helpful gratitude list from Tim Ferris' book, Tools of Titans. 

I've made a few tweaks to the list below to make the exercise a little more helpful and specific. 

"When you answer “I am grateful for . . . ,” I recommend considering five different categories. Otherwise, you will go on autopilot and repeat the same items day after day (e.g., “my healthy family,” “my loving dog,” etc.). I certainly did this, and it defeats the purpose. What are you grateful for in the below categories?" - Tools of Titans

  • A relationship (old or new) that really helped you, or that you value highly.

  • Something good that happened today. Perhaps that’s just an opportunity to call one of your parents, or an opportunity to take a nice walk. It doesn’t have to be something large.

  • Something you appreciate about your body and health. This could be external or internal. It could be the way your hair feels or your smile, or appreciating your lungs for helping you breath smoothly, or your legs for carrying you around all day.

  • Something you appreciate having in your life but may not always take note of. This thing is something you would usually miss if suddenly it was suddenly gone- running water, the internet, sunlight.

  • Something simple near you or within sight. This was a recommendation from Tony Robbins. The gratitude points shouldn’t all be “my career” and other abstract items. Temper those with something simple and concrete — a beautiful cloud outside the window, the coffee that you’re drinking, the pen that you’re using, or whatever it might be.