
A channeled message, from my heart to yours

Beautiful one,

You are a soul craving a human experience. Your soul chose YOU to come into this lifetime to experience all the human things YOU, specifically, experience.

Your soul does not see anything as good or bad. Your soul experiences and watches. It holds space for being-ness itself. ⁠It's just happy that it gets to be here at all.

Your job as a human in physical form is to feel, be with, enjoy the "good things" about living your specific life, and everything that's unique and special about you! And, in the process, enlighten to how to respond skillfully and lovingly to your own unique pain and discomfort as well.

Eventually you get to a place where you won't actually see discomfort as "bad" anymore because it's ALL a part of the whole. ⁠There is no good without bad, and therefore, they are one. Polarity does not exist in consciousness itself.

And when we die, in an instant, we will see how magnificent all of it truly was⁠.

There are moments when your conscious self and your soul merge and join as one, and that's when you awaken to who you really are- loving awareness itself. This experience is simultaneously profound AND SIMPLE. It's what you've probably ALREADY experienced anytime you are at ease AND present. My clients liken this to a feeling of coming home to something they are deeply familiar with, because they are simply coming back home to themselves.

Awakening is your very nature because EVERYTHING you do is in the name of experiencing more inner peace. It is in your nature to search for the things that you THINK will bring you closer to happiness and freedom.

Sometimes we go about looking for it in the wrong places, but we always have the opportunity to course correct, by simply noticing where there is suffering in our lives.

Where there is suffering, there is an opportunity for awakening⁠.

I believe humanity on the whole is evolving and there is hope for us yet. I come across so many people that are READY for this work and are committed to a spiritual path because it speaks deeply to their soul.

They know and understand that liberation of the self is what leads to liberation of the collective.

And in this way, we are growing, learning, helping one another, by being the most free, honest, peaceful version of ourselves that we can be⁠.

I am wishing you all joy, ease, clarity and connection today, and everyday.

With love,
