
How and Why You Are a Miracle

“A miracle is an event so unlikely as to be almost impossible."

- Ali Binazir

Ali Binazir is a doctor who studies at Harvard and studied philosophy at Cambridge University. He did a study where he calculated that the odds of you existing are 400 trillion to one, based on all the complicated factors that brought you into this world; for example, the fact that your ancestors survived, your parents met, and the right sperm met the right egg, etc. (You can check out the study here!)

400 trillion to one!! Since most of us can't even fathom what a number this big means, here's some context: One trillion pennies would make ten billion dollars. Times that by 400, and you've got 400,000 trillion.

This is why you are a miracle. The likelihood of you existing here, as you, reading this now are basically zero. Yet, here you are. You are one of those things that should have been impossible, but happened anyway. And anything THAT rare, that incredible, deserves to be regarded with deep respect and appreciation.

This is not me trying to blow smoke up your ass just to make you feel better. This is me trying to get you out of your head and see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is often so much more "true" than the trivial stuff we get consumed with everyday. Mathematically speaking, you are, in fact, a miracle!

Here's another way to look at it. As defined by the all mighty google, a miracle is "A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency."

This "divine agency" is what I call nature. And for reasons NO ONE can explain- not scientists or powerful religious figures- nature conjured you up out of stardust and put you on this planet. Just like nature created the stars, the ocean, the smell of dew in the early morning, oak trees and puppies, she created you! If you can see beauty in those things, I hope you can see the beauty in yourself, because you are NOT different from these other works of art, nor are you separate from nature.

When you take your sense of "self" out of the equation, and stop thinking with your ego (which is the thing that makes you feel insecure or self conscious) you start to see how magical you truly are, because just like all the other beautiful thing you love in this world, you are a creation of nature. Don't doubt mother nature, she doesn't fuck up. She just does what comes naturally to her, and what comes naturally to her is always as it was intended to be.

So here is a reminder for you today.

  • You are a miracle.

  • You are beautiful.

  • You are enough.

  • You are loving.

  • You are lovable.

  • You have valuable gifts to share with the world.

  • You are capable.

  • You are trying.

  • You are growing.

  • You are okay.

  • And you are worthy and deserving of happiness, respect, and love.

Science tells us that you are a miracle, and all miracles deserve to be treated with respect and appreciation. So don't waste time overthinking things that haven't happened yet, comparing yourself to others, feeling guilty that you didn't do "more", or spend your energy worrying that you're not _______ enough. Replace negative thoughts with more loving, supportive thoughts (like the ones listed above) because as a miracle, I want you to enjoy the fact that you are here on earth, and live each day knowing that your existence alone is inherently magical.

From one beautiful miracle to another,
