How to feel worthy, once and for all

“You are not in the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.”

-Eckhart Tolle

Let's talk about self worth, because it's an integral part of inner-peace, expansion and success, yet many of us struggle with it. For some, it's a seemingly forever out of reach thing, forever alluding us.

For many painful years, my sense of worth was intricately tied up in being productive (capitalism's most profitable story). I desperately tried to fortify my sense of self worth through achieving and being seen by others. It was a huge source of suffering and inner conflict. I was forever striving, ungrounded, chronically dissatisfied, anxious and tired all the damn time.

We all know this is a dangerous, endless game. As long as worth is tethered to, and dependent on, circumstance, productivity, or anything outside of ourselves, we're trapped, powerless. Instead of letting the internal dictate the external (which is how I choose to live my life), we let the external dictate the internal. No bueno.

Not surprisingly, once I took on a spiritual approach to self worth, everything changed for me. I saw the bigger picture, the Truth of my reality. I finally understood.

I can say with humility and gratitude that I no longer struggle with self worth. It's a non-issue, because of my deeper understanding of nature, god, divinity. In this video, I share with you my thoughts on self worth and what helped me. Click below to check it out.

Also, REMINDER!!   

I am hosting a free masterclass on Presence: How to actually live in the present moment in an easy way. It'll be taking place on the day of the full moon eclipse  aka this Friday 11/19 at 1:00pm PST.

If you are someone who wants to live in the present moment more often, but struggles to actually do it, come join me. I'm really good at breaking down abstract, spiritual teachings into simple, sustainable pieces so you can apply this to your everyday life.

Can't make it in person? Don't worry, you'll get access to the replay when you sign up :)

In power, excitement and gratitude,
