If you value liberation above all else

Once I had a taste of liberation, I knew the experience would never let me go because it felt like the Truth. From there, anything that wasn't in support of my freedom felt like dissonance. And thus, it would become my path to seek it, know it and teach it.

I believe we all came to this world to learn how to get free, because freedom is evolution. Your soul craves it, and wants to learn your human's lessons, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

Everytime you become more free, you are going back and freeing your ancestors and past incarnations of yourself from the pain/toxic patterns/trauma that they had not yet undone.

And everytime you become more free, you don’t pass on your trauma/confusion to future generations, and you free your next incarnation from having to learn the lesson again and again (because we all know, the same lessons continue to come back until we fully learn it).

The cycle stops with you. And in this process, you create a huge clearing for a new, curious, unexpected way of Being.

The truth is, becoming free, peaceful and loving is the only path there is.

Anything else in this life is just a distraction.

But you know this already, or you wouldn’t be here.

If the words I share here resonate with you, it’s not because I am teaching you anything new. The people who I work with- their SOUL already knows this stuff. They come to me simply because I remind them of something that may be lying dormant, yet reverberates loud and true.

So how do we do this? How do we experience more of this freedom and liberation I speak of?

Well, lucky for you (and me!) I've been told that I'm quite good at extracting complicated, abstract ideas from the ether, bringing them down to earth and making them concrete and accessible for people to apply to their everyday lives. This is a part of my work that brings me great joy and feels SO gratifying to my soul.

So, here are a few examples of ways we can begin to know true liberation, from the inside out:

  • Heal and expand the capacity of your nervous system. When you are no longer in fight or flight mode, you develop the ability to show up for life fully, and handle difficult situations with composure, equanimity, neutrality, love

  • Learn to live more from the body and less from the mind. Although it's not what's modeled for us in mainstream culture, It’s 100% possible for you to learn how to disidentify from your thoughts, drop the mind, and find refuge within the body

  • Find and cultivate safety and power in stillness. All answers and clarity can be found in stillness, and you can learn to fall in LOVE with this quite space of existence

  • Integrate parts of yourself that you feel compelled to judge or scorn. When you love these parts fiercely, they cease to have power and control over you

  • Learn to feel and be with your emotions. The prerequisite to healing anything is your loving commitment to feeling everything

  • Cultivate an intimate, loving relationship with the present moment. If and when you are suffering, it’s because you are resisting the present moment

  • Investigate and learn from your triggers, resistance and attachment. All of these things will show you where you are not yet free, where your work lies, and what’s available for you on the other side

  • Learn to dance with the paradox of life. Cognitive dissonance is furtive ground for seeing the Truth, because it challenges and broadens our limited perspective

  • Remember and reclaim your innate goodness. Understand that the idea of original sin was always a control mechanism, that you can, instead, embody your original purity

This list is not exhaustive, yet fully “getting” even ONE of these lessons in this lifetime would change your entire existence and up-level your overall quality of life by 100%.

In love and respect,

Eva Liao (aka Diva Meow 😼)