Let's go on a spiritual adventure

I want to take you on a spiritual adventure.

One where you know, see and love yourself so clearly, that everything suddenly CLICKS.    

One where life becomes PLAY and you get to shape shift reality from the inside out (in both practical and impractical ways). Your life has ALWAYS been the laboratory you’re meant to use to experiment, birth, understand and evolve. When you live this way, life becomes a playground where things are serious AND not serious. Everything becomes a portal for your highest expansion, every obstacle and trigger an opportunity for awakening, which is a pretty fun way to live life. 

One where you will experience in your BODY (which is more valuable than only getting it with the mind) those juicy ah-ha moments that allow you to clearly understand the who, what, when, where and why of life. This Knowing will allow you to respond to life more skillfully and gracefully than ever before because you will have access to a depth you did not previously know. This experience simultaneously allows you to let go of your need for control while actually feeling MORE in control. Because when you let go of control, you are not “out of control.” You are actually free.

Where you can TRUST, feel and embody your personal power, in a humble and strong way. When you own your personal power, you act from a place of sovereignty and clarity, not force. (How can you tell if you are forcing? You feel drained or exhausted after doing something. This is a sign your energy is leaking somewhere). I want you to get out of the perpetual pendulum swing of shrinking and puffing up, and live more consistently from your sacred ground.

This, my friend, is truly only the tip of the iceberg. The magic, possibility and depth of what you can experience and feel when you act on your earnest desire for spiritual embodiment and self-realization is, for me, the most meaningful, enjoyable path there is. It makes me feel SO grateful to be a human Being because I get to experience awe, love, rawness, realness, exuberance, healing, love and clear-seeing in a way that has liberated me of the internal hell and suffering that used to be my default. It makes this life a joy, an adventure, a gift.

Now, I am looking for a few ride or dies who are ready to embark on their personal journey, who long to live in devotion to themselves, their truth and their full liberation.

If this is you, come and join me on the inner adventure of a lifetime. There are various ways we can work together, which one is right for you? Email me at boss@evaliao.com and let's see what makes a good fit. 

In devotion to the unknowable, 
